Thursday, 27 June 2013

Michael's Top 10

Michael's Top 10 for getting more people involved locally in research for the East Midlands...

My Ten ideas on how to improve the involvement of everyone especially the public in research.

  1. Get the message across on how important research is to the public. Two Suggestions ‘Take part in Research to save lives’ ‘ By taking part in Research you can improve the NHS’ with the contact details. Placed in all feasible public places.
  2. Institute of Mental Health to list and publicise ten successful outcomes of their research.
  3. Encourage people who have been a participant in a research trial to post on Patient Opinion.
  4. A large article in the Positive Magazine of researchers and participants experience of research and their pleasure in helping improve the Nation’s health. Including contact details
  5. Message to all staff and members of the Trust and its associates to join a database of willing participants in research.
  6. All NHS staff where feasible to ask people if they would like to take part in research and add their details to a list.
  7. Dispel the idea of aged wild haired professors in white coats playing with test tubes in a laboratory. By showing normal looking staff doing their research by data searches and interviewing etc in a short promotional film.
  8. Stories from patients whom have had their lives saved or improved by research.
  9. Patient Experience questionnaire to include question on ‘Would you be prepared to take part in research projects to improve your and other people’s health.
  10. Ask researchers on their ten ideas. It may educate and inspire them.

Michael Osborne 16 June 2013

1 comment:

  1. Michaels list is really good. On point ten I would not only ask researchers wht their top ten ideas are but ask patients as well. Why not hold a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting partnership to bring to bring together patients and researchers to produce a top ten list of
    prioritiess for the East Midlands?
